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Content Marketing Course & Training

Virtual or in-person for your team.

Elevate your skills in content strategy and creation with our training course. Our virtual and in-person sessions provide actionable insights and hands-on experience.

Laptop with women's hands typing

Why Content Marketing Matters

Content marketing marks a shift from traditional marketing’s direct sales approach, favoring the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and consistent online content. At its core, the power of content marketing stems from its capacity to connect with individuals on an emotional and intellectual level.

By delivering effective content that entertains, informs, or educates, we tap into the innate human desire for knowledge and connection. This method subtly attracts and retains a clearly defined audience, driving profitable customer action.

Content Strategy Training Course Customized For Your Team

A successful content marketing strategy must align closely with the business’s overall objectives. Our content strategy training stands apart by offering a fully customizable learning experience designed to meet your team’s unique needs and goals. Recognizing that every business has its own set of challenges, goals, and audience, we go beyond the one-size-fits-all approach.

team with notepad and laptop

What’s Covered In Our Content Training

Our content marketing training is carefully designed to cover the essential pillars of content marketing, ensuring participants gain a robust understanding and practical expertise. Each module builds upon the last, ensuring a comprehensive learning journey that empowers your team to execute effective content marketing strategies. With a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, our content strategy training prepares participants to not only understand the importance of content marketing but also excel in its execution. The FAQ section below goes into detail about the topics covered.

Who Can Benefit from This Course

Our content marketing training course is designed for forward-thinking business owners, heads of marketing, and their employees who are eager to elevate their brand’s presence in the digital realm. Whether steering a startup, managing a growing business, leading a marketing department, or contributing to a marketing team, this course offers invaluable insights and skills tailored to a wide range of professional needs.

Mindy Weinstein teaching content workshop

Online and In-Person Formats

In today’s fast-paced world, easy access and convenience in learning are essential. That’s why we offer our content marketing training course in both online and in-person formats, ensuring you can choose the learning environment that best suits your needs, preferences, and schedule. Whether you opt for the flexibility of online learning or the immersive experience of an in-person workshop, our goal is to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to excel in your content marketing endeavors.

Let’s Talk

Embrace the power of marketing psychology to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Through our content marketing courses, you’ll be equipped to create content that ranks on search engines and captivates online audiences. Contact us to transform your approach to online content!

Private Trainer With 20 Years of Experience

Market MindShift is led by Mindy Weinstein, PhD, Founder and CEO. Check out a few places you may have seen her, and read more about Mindy by clicking the button to her bio below.

Have Questions? We Have Answers.

How is your approach to content marketing different?

We teach you a value-first approach that nurtures trust and builds a perception of authority, positioning your brand not just as a market leader but also as a trusted advisor in the minds of your audience. Content marketing transcends mere transactions to foster a vibrant community of engaged followers and advocates.

This community becomes a powerful asset, amplifying your reach and impact through word-of-mouth and social sharing, further solidifying your brand’s presence in the market and the hearts and minds of consumers. Engaging in content marketing, therefore, is not just about driving immediate sales—it’s about building lasting relationships and a strong, loyal community around your brand.

How do you customize your content training?

Here’s what makes our content creation and strategy workshop unique to your organization:

  • Tailored Course Materials: We work closely with you to understand your business’s specific challenges and objectives. This enables us to tailor the content marketing workshop to address the areas that matter most to your team, ensuring the training directly applies to your business context.
  • Expert-Led Customization: Our top-notch instructor brings a wealth of industry experience and insights. She is skilled at adapting the course to focus on the strategies and tools that will be most effective for your team, whether enhancing SEO, mastering storytelling, or leveraging data analytics.
  • Interactive and Practical Learning: The course is designed to be interactive, with workshops and hands-on exercises that allow your team to apply what they’ve learned in real-world scenarios. This practical approach ensures that your team can immediately implement new content marketing strategies and see tangible results.
  • Scalable to Any Team Size: Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, our course can be scaled to accommodate your team. We ensure that the participants receive personalized attention and guidance, regardless of group size.
  • Ongoing Support and Resources: Post-training, your team won’t be left on their own. We offer ongoing support and access to a wealth of resources to keep your team at the forefront of the industry.
What content marketing topics are covered?

We cover the following in our training:

  • Foundational Principles of Content Marketing: Start by diving deep into the strategic framework of content marketing. Understand the why and how of content marketing, including its history, evolution, and pivotal role in today’s digital marketing landscape.
  • Audience Analysis and Persona Development: Learn to identify and understand your target audience through in-depth research and persona development. This module equips you with the tools to create content that resonates, engages, and converts.
  • Content Strategy Formulation: Master the art of crafting a comprehensive content strategy that aligns with business goals. This includes setting objectives, identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), and developing a content calendar that meets your audience’s needs at every stage of their journey.
  • Content Creation Techniques: Dive into the creative process with practical, hands-on training in content creation. From writing compelling blog posts and creating engaging videos to designing informative infographics, gain skills across various content formats.
  • SEO and Content Optimization: Understand the fundamentals of SEO and how to optimize your content for search engines. Learn about keyword research, on-page SEO tactics, and how to increase visibility and drive organic traffic.
  • Content Distribution and Promotion: Discover strategies for effectively distributing your content across multiple channels. Learn how to leverage social media, email marketing, and other digital platforms to amplify your content’s reach and engagement.
  • Analytics and Performance Measurement: Gain proficiency in measuring the success of your content marketing efforts. Learn how to use analytics tools to track performance, analyze data, and make informed decisions to optimize your strategy.
  • Interactive Content Creation Workshops and Real-World Applications: Engage in interactive workshops that provide hands-on experience with real-world scenarios. Apply what you’ve learned in collaborative sessions, receiving personalized feedback to refine your skills.
Is the in-person training different than the virtual training?

Content Marketing Online Training Format: Our virtual workshops are designed to deliver an engaging and interactive learning experience, mirroring the quality and depth of our in-person sessions. Participants can enjoy real-time engagement with the instructor and peers from the comfort of their home or office.

Content Marketing Workshop In-Person Format: For those who prefer a more traditional learning environment, our in-person workshops provide a hands-on, collaborative experience. These sessions are hosted in conveniently located venues, allowing for direct interaction, immediate feedback, and networking opportunities with industry peers. Our in-person format fosters a dynamic learning atmosphere where participants can benefit from live demonstrations, group exercises, and face-to-face discussions.

Both formats are led by Mindy Weinstein, who is an expert in the field of content marketing. Regardless of your choice, you will receive personalized attention and guidance, ensuring that your learning objectives are met with the highest standards of excellence.

Am I the right fit for the training?

Anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of content marketing will benefit from our training. Most often, our attendees include:

  • Business Owners: Learn how to strategically leverage content marketing to drive growth, enhance brand visibility, and engage with your audience on a deeper level. Gain practical approaches to integrate content marketing into your business model, enabling informed decision-making that propels your company forward.
  • Heads of Marketing: Equip yourself and your team with advanced strategies and tools to refine your digital marketing efforts. Deepen your understanding of audience engagement, content personalization, and data-driven decision-making, ensuring you can lead your team to execute high-impact marketing campaigns.
  • Employees and Marketing Professionals: Whether you’re a content creator, social media manager, or part of the marketing support team, this course will enhance your skills and understanding of content marketing. Learn how to craft compelling content, optimize for search engines, and measure the effectiveness of your efforts to contribute significantly to your team’s success.


Let's Talk

Call us at (480) 750-2252, or use the form below